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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 375-571

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On a Concept of a Derivative Among Functions Defined on the Dyadic Field

Jenö Pal

pp. 375-391

Extent of the Left Branching Solution to Certain Bifurcation Problems

W. E. Olmstead

pp. 392-401

On an Integral Transform Occurring in the Theory of Diffraction

D. Naylor

pp. 402-411

An Explicit Solution of the Central Connection Problem for an $n$th Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equation with Polynomial Coefficients

Herbert Wyrwich

pp. 412-422

Positive Sums of the Classical Orthogonal Polynomials

George Gasper

pp. 423-447

Solutions of Nonlinear Operator Equations

Peter Lancaster and Jon G. Rokne

pp. 448-457

Decompositions of a Hilbert Space and Factorization of a W–A Determinant

R. J. Hangelbroek and C. G. Lekkerkerker

pp. 458-472

Nonlinear Networks with Current Sources and Tellegen's Theorem

Vaclav Dolezal

pp. 473-485

Integral Representations and Inequalities for Bessel Functions

A. McD. Mercer

pp. 486-490

An Eigenvalue Estimation Method of Weinberger and Weinstein's Intermediate Problems

David W. Fox and James T. Stadter

pp. 491-503

On the Treatment of a Dirichlet–Neumann Mixed Boundary Value Problem for Harmonic Functions by an Integral Equation Method

R. González and R. Kress

pp. 504-517

A Class of Generating Functions

L. Carlitz

pp. 518-532

A Note on Stieltjes Moment Sequences

Leopold Simar

pp. 533-534

The Addition Formula for Laguerre Polynomials

Tom Koornwinder

pp. 535-540

A Symmetrical Addition Formula for the Laguerre Polynomials

Loyal Durand

pp. 541-546

$L_2 $-Stability and -Instability of Large-Scale Systems Described by Integrodifferential Equations

R. K. Miller and A. N. Michel

pp. 547-557

On the Products of Solutions of Second Order Disconjugate Differential Equations and the Whittaker Differential Equation

Philip Hartman

pp. 558-571